who are we?

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission is to bridge the gap between international agencies, investors and local actors to leverage sustainable change on the ground.

Our Vision is that together, we can boost production and demonstrate sustainable change and opportunity, creating jobs in agriculture and reducing the need for migration. 

the team


MacAgro Ltd works with a core group of consultants, each offering over 15 years’ experience in their relevant field, from agronomic and irrigation specialists to agro-industry and value chain specialists, together forging a team that is at the forefront of rural transformation in West Africa. The team is both international and local, bringing experience from abroad but with a focus and connection to the local context, the stakeholders, farmers, challenges and opportunities that the region presents. Sharing a common value for nature and sustainability, each member of the team is motivated by the prospect of sustainable change in the region and job creation through the valorisation and improvement of sustainable agriculture and quality produce.